Saturday 4 April 2015

We are one

In 2012, a horrible incident took place in Garissa, soldiers invaded a famous market, Suq Mugdi (The dark market), and set it ablaze, bringing the economic lifeline of thousands of traders to a standstill. 

“It was a case of burning the house to kill the rats. No one was held accountable until know .This act of discrimination and harassment on Somali Kenyans citizen need to be stopped, because Kenya is a multicultural country and many religion like:; Sikh , Hindu, Islam and christian living together harmony and they all should be respected and not to be stereotype because of their religion or ethnic background. 

The other thing that amazed is me is many Somali youth who i have spoken to do not feel that they are recognized as a Kenyan.This is because they are born in Kenya and yet they are not able to get their ID because there ancestor originate form Somali and this would effect them since they do not have an ID they would find it hard to get jobs even if they have education graduate certificate . Even more many Somali born Kenya are finding difficult to get a job because they are being stereotype of being as Somali. 

We need to stop people stereotyping other people because of their ethnic background and religion,by way of preventing this act.For those people who think they can get away stereotyping other people because of their culture or religious belief will have to face the law and be punished or fined.
Finally, Kenya stands for justice for people and we condemned act of punishment on innocent people race communities whether its a India community ,Somali community ,Pakistani community ,Israeli community and Arab community they are all Kenyan and we should unite together as people of this great nation as I say;

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