Monday 2 March 2015


As Muslims we are treated differently from other religions. The mode of dressing tends to repulse people away from us. Women wear hijjab to cover their hair and ninja to cover their face. This dress-code has been mentioned in the Quran therefore it is an obligation for a Muslim lady to dress appropriately. The major discrimination we face is mostly the entrance of malls or shopping center. Everyone assumes that we are a threat to their lives while Islam is a religion of peace.

Sunday 1 March 2015


This is our IST1010 blog group. The group comprises of:
1. Aisha Bashir
2. Farhiya Karshe
3. Faiza Kassim
4. Gonjobe Abdirahman
5. Abdiwahab Hassan.
6. Osman Mohamed Osman

Since all the group members come from one community, we decided to focus on stereotypes on Somalis in general.
We Somalis of Kenyan decent have been forced to be apologetic for acts conducted by non-level headed men and women who kill innocent citizens.
Somalis have often been on the receiving end on terrorism attacks. Surprisingly, terrorist and majority of Kenyans normally read from the same script when condemning the Somali minority. Terrorists aims is to divide countrymen on religious lines. Hence, they have every reason to rejoice when they see a country is divided on religion.
This is regrettable.
Lets all stand up and execute the #WeAreOne which trends on Twitter when Kenya is attacked.